ready to Grow the economy

in your community?

Housing and Community Advisors works directly with community leaders to expand their cities and towns by gaining a better understanding of where the community should focus housing, entertainment, and restaurant development efforts. This all starts by assessing the needs of that community in the future. We help leaders analyze need for housing, entertainment, and restaurants in all sectors. Our analysis includes feasibility studies for each segment in order to attract investors, developers, brands, and even banks to help a community grow!

Person Using Macbook Air on Brown Wooden Table

Helping communities grow through housing, entertainment, restaurants, and more!

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Housing & Community Advisors Process

Person Writing on a Paper

Need Assessment

Green Check

If your community doesn't know where they have need for housing (single-family, multi-family, senior living, student housing, and so on), entertainment, and/or restaurants, the Comprehensive Need Analysis or Assessment is the first step in the process. Identifying gaps or needs is important and helps focus resources in the future.

Woman Working on a Laptop

Feasibility Study

Green Check

In many cases, the Comprehensive Housing Need Analysis or Assessment, once complete, sits on a shelf and nothing is ever done. HCA includes the next crucial step in the process, a Feasibility Study for each segment the community is in need of. The Feasibility Study offers a tool that can be utilized by developers, builders, investors, and lenders.

Ongoing Support

Green Check

Housing and Community Advisors supports your housing growth efforts. If your potential developers, builders, investors, and lenders are interested in growing housing in our client communities, we are available to help answer questions and support community leaders in their efforts.

Comprehensive Housing Need/Demand Assessment or Analysis

In some communities, a Comprehensive Housing Need/Demand Analysis/Assessment is crucial to the growth of your community. Today, many communities across the country are challenged with a severe housing shortage but are stuck. They do not know what the next step is to overcome this obstacle. HCA can help! A Housing Needs Assessment or Comprehensive Housing Need/Demand Analysis is used by local governments to identify housing issues and solutions that can be used to make strategic decisions related to the housing market and is often used as a basis for future housing and policy decisions and/or to secure financing for various housing programs and projects. Additionally, Housing & Community Advisor’s Comprehensive Housing Need/Demand Analysis/Assessment include Feasibility Studies for each segment where there is identified need. These are used by local entities (government, economic development, chamber of commerce, etc.) to attract and encourage residential development activity and investment.

What's Inside each Comprehensive Housing Need/Demand

Assessment /Analysis

Green Check

Community Overview

Green Check

Housing Market Assessment/Overview

Green Check

Economic Growth Analysis

Green Check

Employment/Education/Healthcare Overviews

Green Check

Community, Stakeholder, and Employer Surveys

Green Check

Housing Segment Overview

Green Check

Construction Costs Overview

Green Check


Green Check

Government Initiatives, Goals, and Strategies Overview

Green Check

Up to four segment specific Housing Feasibility Studies

Housing Market Feasibility Studies Offered

Housing & Community Advisors offers up to four separate Feasibility Studies included in its Comprehensive Housing Need /Demand Assessment/Analysis. If you are simply looking for one of these Housing Feasibility Studies, Housing & Community Advisors can help you as well.

Single Family




Affordable/Workforce Housing

Green Check
Green Check
Green Check
Green Check
Green Check

Senior Living




What's Inside each Housing Market Feasibility Study

Scope of Work

Community Overview

Economic & Demographic Overview

Employment/Education Overviews

Affordability Overview

Green Check

Housing Segment Overview

Green Check

Construction Costs Overview

Green Check


Green Check

New Project Development Projections

Green Check

New Project Economic Impact Overview

steps to work with

Housing & Community Advisors

Circle Shape Outline


Contact Housing & Community Advisors to schedule a discussion about your specific housing, Entertainment, and restaurant needs.

Circle Shape Outline


After gaining an understanding of current and anticipated unique needs of your community, HCA will put together and submit a community specific proposal.

Circle Shape Outline


Once the decision is made to work with HCA, a service agreement is executed, and a retainer payment is made, HCA will begin the study process!

Entertainment and restaurant Market Demand Study

What's Inside each Entertainment and Restaurant Market Demand Study?

In some communities, a Entertainment and Restaurant Market Demand Study is crucial to the growth of your community. Today, many small communities across the country are challenged with a lack of entertainment and restaurants due to be overlooked by developers. They do not know what the next step is to overcome this obstacle. HCA can help! A Entertainment and Restaurant Market Demand Study is used by local governments to identify solutions that can be used to make strategic decisions related to growth in the entertainment and restaurant industry within their community. An Entertainment and Restaurant Market Demand Study are used by local entities (government, economic development, chamber of commerce, etc.) to attract and encourage development activity and investment.

Green Check

Community Overview

Green Check

Feeder Market Community Overview

Green Check

Restaurant and Entertainment Data Overview

Green Check

Dining Supply Overview

Green Check

Economic Overview

Green Check

Entertainment Supply Overview

Green Check

Site Selection

Green Check

Restaurant and Entertainment Recommendations

Green Check

Community, Stakeholder, and Employer Surveys



Housing & Community Advisors Owner

Miss Junker offers more than 20 years' experience in both the hospitality and development industries. Jessica was brought on to Core Distinction Group, LLC, a hotel development consulting company in 2017 as Managing Partner where she expanded their business to new new clients across the United States. In 2019, Jessica developed Housing and Community Advisors due to the growing need from past clients for housing growth with-in their communities. Since then, Jessica has worked to change the “housing study” industry focusing efforts on the reporting that is actually needed to attract developers to HCA client communities. HCA’s focus is centered around not only data driven analysis but reports that can offer developers, landowners, investors, etc. what they need to get projects done.

Frequently asked questions

Question Mark Illustration

Why does HCA include Feasibility Studies with thier Comprehensive Housing Need/Demand Analysis/ASSESSEMeNT?

Through the years, HCA has worked with many communities that have had multiple “Housing Studies” completed and nothing ever comes from them. That is due to the lack of tools in said studies that will attract developers, investors, builders, and so on. The feasibility study offers those organizations what they need to start a project.

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Why do I need a Comprehensive Housing Need/Demand Analysis/ASSESSEMeNT?

If your community knows what segments of housing it needs and what said community wants to attract, they do not need a Comprehensive Housing Need/Demand Analysis/Assessment. Your community simply needs a Feasibility Study for that segment. HCA is always open to mix and matching services for a unique and custom experience for it’s client communities.

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Why do I need a Feasibility Study to attract developers?

A feasibility study is conducted prior to a project’s undertaking. Principals of companies and their investors want to ensure that any given project they plan on developing is actually “feasible”. Preparing a study showing this feasibility is the main point of writing such a report. A Feasibility Study includes the necessary information and data need for landowners, financial institutions, investors, builders and so on to make an informed business decision. It includes detailed recommendations on the project's location, number of units, unit mix, features, amenities and so on.

Question Mark Illustration

What is data is used to complete the Feasibility Study?

HCA's approach to a Feasibility Study is a thoughtful, in-depth combination of primary and secondary research. Primary research includes researching existing units and surveying major employers, realtors, property managers and community leaders. Secondary research includes the collection of data from published, reliable sources of information. These sources include but are not limited to the US Census Bureau and ESRI.


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